Optimize Your business
Our team's mission is to help you develop strategies, business plans and implement technology to start, grow, and optimize your business
so that you generate more sales, profit, and more time off from your business.
Some of Our Services
Implement Better Technologies
There are many different technologies and tools that exist that can dramatically improve how your business operates.We can help implement and teach you how to use these technologies, improve and grow your business
Read moreOptimize your Business
We analyze what is working and what is not working in your business in terms of when, where and how your customers interact with you and how to be more efficient
Read moreBetter Marketing
We work with you to track which marketing techniques work and which do not. This will let you focus your budget on those things that are working to get the best return on investment for your budget.
Read moreBetter Google Analytics
We review your websites analytics with you, in simple terms, so you can see what is and isn't working on your website.
Read moreCompetitor Intelligence
We do regular reviews of your business competitors and provide reports on what they are doing.
Read moreArtificial Intelligence
Using the power of AI we can help you leverage this technology to provide better customer service to your customers. See an example of a business using an AI powered bot to answer common questions
Read moreTake your business to next level
Your Business:
Ongoing Support
During monthly private one-on-one phone consultations we will review reports and data to give you actionable insights and strategies that you can implement in your business to make it more optimized. For instance we may review your Google Analytics for your website and show you areas that you could improve your website. Or we look at your phone logs and point out areas to be optimized. We use desktop sharing during the consultation so that we can look at reports and screens together. These calls are designed to be very practical where we give you step by step guides on to how to implement strategies to improve your business based on what the data reports are showing us about your business.
Our goal is to remove the hard work of analyzing all your business data so that you have simple to read reports and dashboards that help you make decisions that improve your marketing effectiveness, make your business operations more efficient, increase your customer's satisfaction, and increase your profitability. Based on our monthly meeting, or by request, we will build new reports as needed to give you deep insight into your business. You ask the questions we build the report with the answers.
About Our Team
Our team has been responsible for maintaining and assisting the online marketing for over 100 new and growing businesses around North America.
We are not just technical people: We're not going to loose you in technical speak, we are going to work with you in terms and language that you understand, and is relevant to your industry. We have been involved in business for over a decade, and understand your business.